House Washing & Roof Cleaning

Clear Window & Power Wash Cleaning Services offers affordable low-pressure soft-wash residential roof cleaning services to homes and businesses throughout the Long Island, NY area. Roof and siding maintenance is extremely important in the harsh New York climate. Over time, algae and dirt begin to decompose and break down exterior surface materials. If these contaminants are not cleaned and removed from the roof, it can lead to an extremely dirty roof and costly repairs or even roof replacement. Our professional roof cleaning services use only eco-friendly and bio-degradable products to clean your roof, home, and gutters. Our specialty organic cleaning solutions reach deep into the surface of the roof to remove and eliminate mold, mildew and other damaging material. Our low-pressure chemical soft washing application process is extremely safe for any roof, siding material, and the environment. Not only are you prolonging the life of your building but maintaining and promoting and clean property.

We have years of experience safely washing buildings, siding, gutters, soffits, and windows using soft-wash cleaning technology.